Case Study: Strategic Communication and Legal Expertise Lead to ORC Conviction
September 23, 2024
Miranda Reyes

In 2024, ALTO partnered with Glendale PD and LAPD to address an organized retail crime (ORC) group targeting various retail locations. By leveraging tactical communication and legal expertise, ALTO aided law enforcement in identifying and apprehending the suspects, leading to their conviction and safeguarding not only ALTO’s retail partner but also neighboring stores impacted by this group’s activities.

This case study examines the strategic collaboration between ALTO, law enforcement, and legal entities in resolving an ORC case involving a family of four that targeted multiple stores. 

ORC group targets department stores across LA County

In early 2023, an ALTO-supported retail store in Glendale experienced a series of thefts involving high-dollar items. The incidents, which occurred between March and May of that year, were part of a larger pattern of thefts affecting multiple retailers in the area and posed a significant threat to retail safety. Despite efforts to identify and apprehend the suspects, the group remained at large.

Identifying the suspects

On May 1, 2024, the ALTO legal team in Southern California contacted Glendale PD after learning about an ORC group targeting an ALTO-supported department store in the area. The Glendale PD identified two suspects and linked ALTO with an LAPD detective who was already investigating the group for targeting various locations over the past year.

This group, a family of four, had been impacting multiple retailers by stealing high-value items from department stores, including one protected by ALTO. Between March and May 2023, they repeatedly targeted this retail location in Glendale, avoiding identification or apprehension until ALTO’s involvement.

During a meeting with law enforcement and local retailers, the Glendale PD shared insights about thefts involving suspects matching those who had been targeting the ALTO-supported retailer. The store management informed their ALTO Customer Success Specialist, who relayed the details to the Glendale detective handling a related case. By corroborating information, ALTO’s legal team and CSS confirmed that this was the same group targeting ALTO’s Glendale retailer.

ALTO’s legal team maintained close communication with the detectives and district attorney, providing restitution amounts, item lists, and incident documentation. This collaboration ensured that the suspects’ actions at the ALTO-supported store were included in the broader case, leading to the issuance of warrants and the subsequent arrest of the suspects on June 20, 2024.

After apprehending the suspects, the Glendale PD referred the case to the LAPD’s Organized Retail Crime (ORC) task force. The case gained media attention, enabling ALTO to acquire the names of all suspects, reach out to the jail, and gather court information.

After apprehension: the last mile

ALTO worked with the district attorney and law enforcement to ensure the defendants faced appropriate consequences. On July 8, ALTO joined the DA and detectives in court to discuss the case. In August, the charges were updated to include incidents from an ALTO-supported store.

The legal team assisted the DA throughout August and September, providing information on restitution and item lists and coordinating with the store for necessary receipts. ALTO attended all court hearings, advocating for sentencing terms and pushing for a stay-away order if bail was considered. However, the defendants remained in custody throughout the trial.

On September 11, 2024, the ORC group faced sentencing. One defendant was sentenced to two years in state prison, while the other three received 180-day jail terms followed by two years of probation.

Their sentencing conditions mandate DNA testing, compliance with search protocols, abstaining from drugs, engaging in education or employment, reporting to probation, avoiding firearms, obeying the law, and steering clear of all locations linked to ALTO’s retail partner in LA County. Furthermore, they are required to pay restitution of $5,662 to the Glendale retailer for the group’s thefts in 2023.

ALTO’s strategic collaboration leads to successful resolution of ORC case

The strategic collaboration of the ALTO team resulted in the successful identification, apprehension, and sentencing of an organized retail crime group. By connecting suspects to another case, the additional charges influenced sentencing, while ALTO’s intervention expedited resolution —emphasizing ALTO’s crucial expertise, communication, and collaboration.

In a 2024 survey conducted by ALTO, we found that nearly 80% of store employees feel safer with ALTO supporting their store. Read the 2024 ALTO Retail Store Safety Report here.